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young girl with a nice ass buttocks

Young Girl With A Nice Ass Buttocks

• can (a container) had an unusual development: the slang meaning "toilet" is recorded circa 1900, said to be a shortening of piss-can, the meaning "buttocks" from c. 1910, verb meaning "fire an employee" (to flush=dump) from 1905.
• cheeks, a shape-metaphor within human anatomy, but also used in the singular: left cheek and right cheek; sounds particularly naughty because of the homonym and the adjective cheeky, lending themselves to word puns
• culo - (From Spanish/Italian) slang, usually meaning a woman's voluptuous, round and firm buttocks. Put simply the Latino equivalent of booty, although in Spanish it is considered vulgar and offensive (but less so in Spain than in Latin America).

File information
Album name:People & Humanity
Rating (4 votes):55555
Keywords:#young #girl #nice #ass #buttocks
Filesize:41 KiB
Date added:Oct 26, 2014
Dimensions:679 x 700 pixels
Displayed:675 times
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