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cosplay girl costume presentation

Cosplay Girl Costume Presentation

For local Chinese citizens, cosplay first showed up in a form similar to that of the present in Hong Kong in 1993, when a group of people rented a kiosk and one of them wore a costume on some animations to attract people passing by. Since 1997, more and more local events are held, such as Comic World HK.
+ 2000–present
After the 1990s, the multimedia started to keep an eye on cosplays. Most of the universities in Hong Kong also launched their own cosplay events, and the most popular one is the Cosplay Party by Hong Kong University. Nowadays there are almost 20 events held with cosplay sessions every year in Hong Kong.
With an aid of easy accessibility of multimedia and the Internet, cosplay has been being far more popular and familiar. The number of people taking part in cosplay has also increased sharply.

File information
Album name:Art & Creativity
Rating (1 votes):55555
Keywords:#cosplay #girl #costume #presentation
Filesize:37 KiB
Date added:Jan 05, 2018
Dimensions:700 x 567 pixels
Displayed:218 times
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